
This offering of CSC2541 will contain the following assignments (shown below with their grading breakdowns).

Problem Set (15%)

Release: October 7 / Due: November 6, at 11:59PM ET

In this assignment, you will have a chance to practice the content from the lecture. It is individual work.

Paper Summary Assignment (15%)

Due: October 31, at 11:59PM ET.

In this assignment, you will summarize four papers from a set of suggested papers.

Paper Presentation Assignment (15%)

Due: Varies based on presentation slot.

In this assignment, you will form a group of 3 to present a 25-minute deep dive into one of the papers from a list.

Course Final Project

In addition to the guidelines for each component of your final project, we've also put together a collection of project ideas that you may find helpful.

Project Proposal (5%)
Due: October 10, at 11:59PM ET.

In your proposal, you will choose an original research question related to the course content to serve as your course final project.

Project Presentation (15%)
Due: Varies based on presentation slot.

You will prepare a brief presentation of your project, experiments, and results to share with your peers.

Project Report (35%)
Due: December 9, at 11:59PM ET.

You will prepare a conference-abstract-style write-up of your work and critically evaluate your contribution within the context of the causality and machine learning literature.